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Mark pushes the wall down
don't cry

Lessons usually take 30-40 minutes. The number of lessons will depend on your needs; are you coming for postoperative recovery or do you get minor back ache when sitting at a computer all day? people come for different reasons, from a musician wanting to improve their performance to deep rooted postural difficulties. A course of 6-10 lessons will give you a good idea of how you can use the AT to help yourself. You are learning a new skill of poise and balance, how far do you want to go?

Will I be given exercises to do?

It ain’t what you do it’s the way that you do it! No exercise, no matter how wonderful, will do you much good if you set about it with unconscious tension and effort. I will encourage you to be aware of what is happening in your lessons and ask you to take 10-20 minutes each day to lie down in semi-supine. This procedure will be explained during your lesson.